- Create workflow stages.
- Flow parameterization and stages sequence in the process.
- Maintenance of users, roles and authorized transactions.
- Maintenance of catalogs (priority, test environments, incidence reasons, test days, input data, incidence types, etc.)
- Products and modules creation and maintenance.
- Process definition and business conditions
- Create and track test cases.
- Statistical reports generation, that serves as a support tool in the decision making.
- -Matrix processes and test conditions
- -Test case planning
- -Progress of tests
- -Incidences by type, module, user, dates
- -Incidences by status (corrected, pending active, rejected)
- -Incidences by stage (functional review, technical review, development, certification, etc.)
- -Incidences evolution (weekly behavioral testing)
- -Chargeability of functional and technical resources according to the incidences in their mailboxes